Gregory College House is a low-rise Four-Year Community comprised of two buildings; Van Pelt Manor, which houses first-year students, and Class of 1925, which is for returning students. Featuring suite-style rooms with private baths, students live in either singles, doubles, or two types of quads, all with private bedrooms and seasonal air conditioning. This close-knit vibrant house community comes together almost daily for film screenings or binge worthy tv-shows in their state-of-the-art Cinema Lounge. Residents can also take part in one of four Language Houses that offer fun cultural immersion activities and language practice. Whether enjoying the Greenhouse or the Yoga studio, students can always find a way to connect with their fellow residents at Gregory.
Room Types
Class of 1925 - Returning Students

Single Rooms
Number Available: 7

Double (2 BR) Rooms
Number Available: 7

Quad (4 BR) Rooms
Number Available: 12

Quad (4 BR/LR) Rooms
Number Available: 3
Room Types
Van Pelt Manor - First-Year

Single Rooms
Number Available: 3

Double (2 BR) Rooms
Number Available: 8

Quad (4 BR) Rooms
Number Available: 33

Quad (4 BR/LR) Rooms
Number Available: 2
What’s included in your room
We believe one of the most important ways to feel at home is to make sure your room is equipped with everything you need. That means giving you a foundation, but also providing the space to make your room uniquely yours; a place to call home.
House Facilities
Going above and beyond
Between Van Pelt Manor and Class of ‘25 Gregory College House has facilities to entertain and engage all residents. Our mosaic-festooned Greenhouse, Film Lounge, and Community Kitchens are all places where classmates come together, and friends are made.
Need help carrying items to your floor? Use the dumbwaiter! A dumbwaiter is a small freight elevator or lift intended to carry small items (i.e., grocery bags, small/medium size boxes, storage bins, etc.). They are located on the east side of Class of 1925 and Van Pelt. Instructions are found on the outside of the unit. If the dumbwaiter does not respond to a call to the floor, check each floor to make sure the doors to the dumbwaiter are closed before reporting the problem to the Information Center.
360 Room Tours
See Yourself On Campus
Ever wonder what your next room might look like if you lived there? Check out our 360 Room Tours to picture yourself in your next home at Penn.

House Community
The Gregory College House Family
Gregory is a vibrant college house community where everyone feels connected, empowered, and supported. Residents in Gregory are actively engaged in house programs, learning experiences, and house led off campus activities & excursions. Residents are a mix of all years and backgrounds, contributing to the house vibrancy and identity! All residents have plenty of private space when they need it and many opportunities for social & community engagement that offers many opportunities for students to hang out with their neighbors at regular social get-togethers.
House Location
Mailing + Directions
Class of '25 Living Address:
3941 Irving Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3700
Van Pelt Living Address:
3909 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3700
For mailing addresses, click here.